Jerry Kroth, Ph.D
Author, Professor

Radical, Progressive, & Collective Psychology
"Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream."
—Malcolm Muggeridge
Author's Bios
In this section the various authors and co-authors on various projects are listed.
Jerry Kroth, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor Emeritus in the graduate counseling psychology program at Santa Clara University in California. His academic assignments have included courses in psychotherapy and personality theory, dreamwork, and research methods. Dr. Kroth has an abiding therapeutic interest in working with dreams, personal oracles, and the applications of dream theory to psychohistory and collective psychology. Jerry has been a member of the International Psychohistorical Association since 1983.
Dr. Kroth’s twelve prior books were in the areas of counseling psychology, child sexual abuse, learning disorders, metapsychology, transpersonal psychology, and research methodology. In addition, he has written and presented over seventy-five papers on anxiety, child development, mass psychology, synchronicity, experimental studies of the dream process, the psychology of propaganda and collective psychology. Professor Kroth lives in California with his wife and two daughters. He maintains a website:
His most recent books are listed below:
*Ecocide: why radical interventions are needed now to stop climate apocalypse
* Messages from the Gods: a scientific exposition on the extraterrestrial origin of crop circles
* Extraterrestrial contact: the Roswell foil, UFOs, and how that alter our understanding of the modern world
* The Psychic Immune System: a hidden epiphenomenon of the body's own defenses.
• Conspiracy in Camelot: the complete history of the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy
• Psyche’s Exile: an empirical odyssey in search of the soul.
• Duped! Delusion, denial, and the end of the American dream
• The Lindbergh kidnapping: mobs, mass psychology, and myth.
• Aliens and Man: a synopsis of facts and beliefs.
• Omens and Oracles: collective psychology in the nuclear age.
* Flesh and Blood

Marvin Forrest, Ph.D. is a clinical psychologist with a private practice in Santa Barbara. He has published in the areas of anxiety research and brain wave conditioning. His current interests are in the clinical applications of hypnosis and Eastern mysticism.

Dream researchers and colleagues who co-authored quantitative publications with me.
Brad Roeder, Gerald Gonzales, Kim Tran, Kevin Orzech, Janice McDavit, Cindy Brendlen, Anjless Ptel, Lisa Swiener, Christin Bautista, Joy Bess, Kristen Cruickshank, Janet Stashak, Dawn Yoneda, Anne Hammond, Jasmin Lamas, Nicholas Pisca, Kristy Bourret, Miranda Killath, H. Gilbert, A. Guichard, T. Quatman, L. Jense, M. Haraldsson, L. Thompson, J. Jackson, L. Pascali, M. Ferreira, Ashleigh Briggs, Michelle Cummings, Geraldo Rodriguez, Eva Martin, Marylynne Garcia, Michelle Hallgren, EmilyAnn LeGrue, Maureen Ross, Juliana Scalise, Sonia Mann, Carolina Cervantes, Matthew Jaffe, and Vera Rustic, Angelina Daline, Debra Longstreet, Megan Nelson, Lee Ann O’Neal, Stephanie Bush, Jennifer Frost, Asceneth Paez, Ronika Prakash, May Raft,, John Berkes, Kaitlin Buechler, Felicia Gonsalves, Christina Shamah, Christina Minakakis, Elizabeth Riska, Karen Singh, Natali Fattahi.