Jerry Kroth, Ph.D
Author, Professor

Radical, Progressive, & Collective Psychology
"Never forget that only dead fish swim with the stream."
—Malcolm Muggeridge
Psyche's Exile: an empirical odyssey in
search of the soul
Psyche” means “soul” in Greek, and “psychology” literally means ‘the study of the soul.’ For over a century American psychology has gone in precisely the opposite direction. Soul = mind, and mind = brain with no exceptions! This reductionist paradigm is challenged in this book as Professor Kroth reviews eight politically incorrect, ‘forbidden’ databases in his empirical pursuit of the immortal soul of the ages: near-death experiences, deathbed visions, precognitive dreams, premonitions, synchronicity, telepathy, states of possession, just to name a few. The odyssey leads to a fascinating rediscovery of the soul.
“Psyche’s Exile . . is an absolute treasure trove of carefully collected experiential and experimental data spanning the research areas of anthropology, sociology, religion, spirituality, psychology, and physics. Although we are still some human evolutionary time away from experimentally proving the existence of the human soul, there is certainly enough good data available at present to make it a viable working hypothesis. Dr. Kroth is dedicated to his craft as a professional explorer of nature in its many forms. For myself, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend this book to my scientific colleagues and my friends.”
—William A. Tiller, Ph.D., professor of physics: Stanford University;
Author of Science and Human Transformation
“Whether atheist, agnostic, or believer, only a rigidly closed-minded person,
could ever find this book anything but fascinating. It is
the most intellectually exciting, page-turning voyage
of discovery I have been on for a very long time.”
— Jeff Kisling, Ph.D., psychotherapist, Palo Alto
“I am enthralled! This is a refreshing leap from the encrusted time-worn answers we were all raised to believe. I particularly loved the objectivity, depth of knowledge, and the understandings of images and symbols. I have no doubt this book will be greeted as a significant contribution.”
—William Yabroff, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Pacifica Graduate School
Author of The Inner Image
“A well written, erudite book, easily available to the average reader, with or without a scientific background. Whether one recognizes the soul or not, the book is a huge help in understanding our world and will provide the iconoclastic reader with a new birth of freedom and hope.
After reading Psyche’s Exile, I expect my death
will lead to “the best of times.”
—Robert McFarland, M.D., psychiatry, and Director
of the Institute for Psychohistory: Boulder, Colorado
“This work has the potential to remind us that all of our most
sophisticated and elaborate scientific procedures are, after all,
limited only to what the senses—or their extensions—can access.
This work. . . could very well be on the leading edge of a “paradigm shift”
in the study of psychology. Professor Kroth brings both a depth and a breadth of scholarship to the task of expanding the boundaries of psychological thought beyond its usual attempts to imitate the
so-called “hard sciences.”
—Walter Moretz, M.Div., Ph.D,
Professor Emeritus, Pastoral Psychology, George Mason University
"You don't have a soul. You are a soul.
You have a body."
—C.S. Lewis